Saturday, April 10, 2010

Brave New World

This novel really helps put together the common theme of all the other books we have read for the class. Every author paints a picture about what the future could be like, and a clash of good and bad beliefs/morals. With Brave new world they turn humans into a mass production. Individualism is erased from people. Like in A clockwork orange it comes into to the question of choice and free will. Is it better that they don't know how to be an individual and are predestined into society? or should they have the choice to be whatever they want in the world? I think its a bad situation because people cant further themselves. Once a gamma always a gamma. They are stuck in that class and trained to discriminate against the other classes. Over all though i like the book, i think its a bit confusing at times but when you clear it up it raises good questions.

Friday, March 19, 2010

A Clockwork Orange

I have heard of this book before because of the movie and I have always wanted to read. One thing I didn't know was how much of a slang there is. It really makes the book though and develops the it. The slang is what really gets me into to the book, i like trying to figure out what the words mean before looking them up. I'm not completely done with the book yet but I have liked it so far. The two questions I think about is can criminals ever change completely? and is incarceration better or is rehabilitation better for criminals?

Friday, February 19, 2010


I thought feed was a great book. At first I just thought it was going to be a really dull read, but as I started reading it got interesting. I started to really get into it and think about how if life actually was like that. It would be terrible just to be mindless and not be able to use your brain on your own and have a computer to tell you everything and do everything. In the book my heart went out to Violet. She was the only actual "normal" one, she was the only one left with a brain that could think on its own. The irony is her brain was the one that was destroyed. Overall all the book was a great book and I did not realize till I finished the book that I have read another book by Anderson called Octavian Nothing. The question that I think about the most from this book is, will societies ever end up like they are in the book The Feed?

Friday, February 12, 2010

Dumbest Generation

I'm going to have to disagree on this one. Different? yes. dumb? no. We have been a generation that has been growing up with this new age technology. We are used to it we learn to adapt to it and it comes easy to most of us. Past generations have grew up with the hard text and the classics. I believe the classics change as time goes on and that what we read now isnt always going to be a hard copy, we can now find anything we need online. I dont think we are a dumb generation I just believe we are different from previous generations. So I am going to ask the question are we truly dumb? or are we just different?

Friday, February 5, 2010

Video lectures: Bell Hooks

I gathered a lot from the videos and i find myself agreeing with many of Hooks ideas. One idea that i agree with is that everyone is affected by racism, and like she says not as a perspective but as an influence. Both white people and black people are still affected by the type of racism that took place in the past. It puts burdens on both whites and blacks because its something that no one wants to remember. It has caused us to be born into these stereotypes that we as a generation were not part of creating. Another point I can agree with is that when you think critically about culture it allows you to see the bigger picture on culture and see things and understand both sides of a situation. I think thinking critically is important. So a question i can ask is, is there anyway to break from the past racism that has stereotyped us all by critically thinking about our culture it has created?

Sunday, January 31, 2010


Hey everyone, over the weekend I noticed how the media just tells people what they want to tell them. I feel like there are things that the media doesn't tell us and it's regulated. My question is how much do you think the media changes the truth and how much information does the media leave out?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Hi, I'm Jordan and the steelers should be in the superbowl