Sunday, January 31, 2010


Hey everyone, over the weekend I noticed how the media just tells people what they want to tell them. I feel like there are things that the media doesn't tell us and it's regulated. My question is how much do you think the media changes the truth and how much information does the media leave out?


  1. I agree with this! The media is completely aware of the human mind and takes advantage of that. We should definetley discuss this in our group Tuesday, this is a valid point. I mean, the truth is hard to change, although the way they percieve the truth is the question.

  2. Since you commented on my blog I figured that I'd comment back llamas on yours. First off, I feel that the media may sometimes change the truth, but for the most part I feel that they "bend" the truth toward whatever they feel is the right solution or outcome. When I say this, I mean that many of the news stations of today seem to usually take a political side, either democrat or republican. When these news stations do this, they become biased, and with biased new stations, how is the American public really ever goin to get the real truth?

  3. I see and know exactly what you are saying. Lets put what you are saying into an example. The media portrays steroid use as a bad and terrible thing which leads to 1000's of disease, problems, suicides, and so called roid rages. The list goes on. Now, I am a certified personal trainer and have vast knowledge on healthy eating and supplementation. In reality there is a difference between steroid "use" and steroid "abuse". Steroids were originally created to HELP people with cancer and muscular dystrophy. When used correctly they help you and like any other medication there are of course SOME side affects. Everyone reacts differently to drugs. Steroids are meant to HELP people and like any other drug if you abuse them and are dumb about them then YES they can have consequences. But here is my point. I believe that the media portrays steroids as a bad thing because they think that they are unsafe and contribute them to why some people commit suicide. Now I challenge anyone here to find a MEDICAL study that was ever conducted proving that steroids cause deaths or certain diseases. In fact there are no know study's that can link these together. So as i digress off of my rant I have come to the conclusion that the media over exaggerates alot of things and why? Well i really dont know. Maybe its because they want to scare us. Or maybe because they want to be the controllers of what is "normal" in society.

  4. I think you posed an excellent question here Jordan. Try to work through some of your own examples and answers as well. This is a great starting "seed" for a weekly blog, but I expect you to do a little more critical thinking and writing.
